Custom Deck Construction in Southeast Michigan
Proudly Serving Southeast Michigan
Titan Decks is committed to delivering high-quality custom decks across Oakland County, Washtenaw County, Livingston County, Wayne County, and surrounding areas. We have dedicated pages for many of the cities we serve, where you can find more information about deck building in your area:
Serving Homeowners Throughout SE MI
At Titan Decks, we stand out from other decking companies in southeast Michigan by providing personalized and value-driven service along with the industry’s most advanced decking products, Deckorators Mineral Based Composite. We’ve become the elite custom deck builder in:
Oakland County
- Troy
- Birmingham
- Clawson
- Franklin
- Hazel Park
- Southfield
- Royal Oak
- Pleasant Ridge
- Huntington Woods
- Madison Heights
- Berkley
- New Hudson
- South Lyon
- Ferndale
- Oak Park
- Bloomfield Hills
- Rochester
- Rochester Hills
- Keego Harbor
- West Bloomfield
- Auburn Hills
- Waterford
- Farmington Hills
- Pontiac
- Clarkston
- Davisburg
- Highland
- Lake Orion
- Oakland
- Oxford
- Novi
- Milford
- Commerce
- White Lake
- Union Lake
- Walled Lake
- Wixom
- Holly
- Ortonville
Wayne County
- Canton
- Plymouth
- Allen Park
- Belleville
- Dearborn
- Dearborn Heights
- Melvindale
- Flat Rock
- Garden City
- Grosse Lle
- Inkster
- Lincoln Park
- Livonia
- New Boston
- Northville
- Rockwood
- Romulus
- Taylor
- Trenton
- Wayne
- Westland
- Wyandotte
- Riverview
- Southgate
- Detroit
- Brownstown
- Highland Park
- Hamtramck
- River Rouge
- Harper Woods
- Grosse Pointe
- Redford
Washtenaw County
- Ann Arbor
- Ypsilanti
- Bridgewater
- Chelsea
- Dexter
- Manchester
- Salem
- Saline
- Whitmore Lake
- Whittaker
- Willis
Livingston County
- Brighton
- Howell
- Gregory
- Pinckney
- Hartland
- Fowlerville
- Hamburg
Why Choose Titan Decks?
Experienced Deck Builders – Trusted professionals with years of expertise.
Custom Composite & Wood Decks – Tailored designs for every home.
Durable, Low-Maintenance Materials – High-quality materials that last.
Local Expertise – We understand Michigan’s climate, building codes, and homeowner preferences.
Let’s Build Your Dream Deck!
Ready to enhance your outdoor space? Contact Titan Decks today for a free consultation, and let’s create a beautiful, functional deck that complements your home and lifestyle.